Two or more inventions or utility models belonging to a single general inventive concept may be filed as one application 属于一个总的发明构思的两项以上的发明或者实用新型,可以作为一件申请提出。
In terms of the narrative , the impotence and inexperience of the director are obvious . dante lam failed to take advantage of his inventive concepts and ideas . for instance , fung is able to restore his hearing ability with the help of jane s spirit , it is quite an interesting part of the story 看来此片编导野心颇大,全片点子太多,如人鬼情未了的主题爱情,友情副线,古堡救美的高潮,黑马骑士的追杀等,实在令人喘不过气,难以消化,也令人怀疑究竟一爱情片是否需要结合这么多不同风格的桥段在一起才叫新鲜有趣?